Wednesday 29 July 2009

the book thief

Ok this is pretty pointless because nobody reads my blog... ANYWAY I am reading an amazingly sad book called the book thief

my copy

randomly these are the three different covers...
v. v. tragic and about the Holocaust
OMG I love Rudy so much but i kinda read the end and he dies *NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO*
i love RUDYYYYYYYYYYYY he was the best character anyhoo i like this book, because it is different-for example it's written in deaths point of view...
because there is noting better to do i am gonna post the pictures up of the sleepover i had with Josie yesterday and plesase don't hate me for this jazz....
i look very ugly but oh vell that's life! they're gonna be on the next post!

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