Saturday 18 July 2009

like i promised....

soory but i just wanted to show how much emma whatson has changed!

it's really wierd! Anyhoo here's some moreness

I think that these people would make good vamps in twatlight

Juno would make a good vampire

OMG how did this get hear!?

OMG Helena Boham Carter would make an amazing vampire!

Random alert
vier rabdom !!


i don't know who this guy is either but he's hot too!

Omg look how the potter stars have changed!!!!

i don't even know who this guy is but i think he's hot!

Frank dillane as tom riddle! yummm!

sorry but i think that this picture is really sexy!

sorry random st tinians (click on the
pic so you can read it. I think there should be a slut one.)

that's hero in the film as tom riddle! awwwww!
awww it's the young tom riddle

Frank Dillane (I think)

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