Wednesday 29 July 2009

here are the pictures and (thankfully) no videos

so here are the pictures of me (left, looking drunk and mad-well I suppose I am) and josie (right looking like a model)
As I mentioned previously I look really ugly and fat and should have worn glasses like jazz, but I didn’t so that’s that….
Anyway josie'll be mad enough sooooo I won't put the films up OR taunt her about that furry yellow thing and the incident with my brother *ahem*
me (drunk, much?) and josie
me, danny (annoying brother) and josie


eww i look veir fat
awwww but i look drunkerty drunk
yeuk (josie you look nice though)
yeah OK
ewww fringe alert
psycho freak look

ha josie looks funny
random typical danny photograph
actually on the camera if you flick through the pics REALLY quick then it looks like we're moving pretty coooooooool
thats all

the book thief

Ok this is pretty pointless because nobody reads my blog... ANYWAY I am reading an amazingly sad book called the book thief

my copy

randomly these are the three different covers...
v. v. tragic and about the Holocaust
OMG I love Rudy so much but i kinda read the end and he dies *NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO*
i love RUDYYYYYYYYYYYY he was the best character anyhoo i like this book, because it is different-for example it's written in deaths point of view...
because there is noting better to do i am gonna post the pictures up of the sleepover i had with Josie yesterday and plesase don't hate me for this jazz....
i look very ugly but oh vell that's life! they're gonna be on the next post!

Thursday 23 July 2009

here is me and ma friends in the limo (man jazz will give me shit for this!)
arrrrrrrgghhh me looking REALLY freaky!
random jessica and imi
uzzz again
even more us
rebekah me and jazz (josie) wateva!
elisha and sopphire
me and jazz
me, elisha, rebekah, jazz, jess, sopphire and imi
rebekah me imi and jess
jazzzzzzzzzzz the birthday vampire???
you probably know our names now

there are more but i can't be bothered maybe another time...

Monday 20 July 2009

i mean honestly

Seriously look at this, the red is what he quoted about himself and I mean I guess he's right...

posted by Caroline willoughby
Im not one of those creepy werdo girls that stalk guys but when i saw the harry potter i was like damn i need to know who that guy was. Everyone nailed it his voice is so dreamy and i could just drown n his accent lol. Im such a freak for writing this but at least i admited my love for the hot guy that plays the dark lord. We r so ment to b together hes worth fighting every other girl n the world for haha.
posted 1 hour ago

posted by mary
Man his voice is sooo atractive man i love this dude. I am so embarassed cause I am black. Not that that should have anything to do with it. He is so fine
posted 6 hours ago

posted by Arebella
He is the Hottest Man ALive. I just Love Him. And His Voice is just Dreamy*sigh*
posted 1 day ago

posted by Kahla
He Is The Hottest Guy Alive. I Love Him!!!! And I Definetly LOVE HIS VOICE It`s Totally Dreamy*Sigh*
posted 1 day ago

posted by Amanda
i love him! and he`s only 1 yr older than me! ahhh its meant to be!
posted 2 days ago

posted by FrankDillanesWife
yes and hes mine :)
posted 2 days ago

posted by horselvr
he`s totally awesome. ive seen the movie twice already and the 2 scenes he`s in r some of my favorites, i love listening to him talk his voice is... idk its just really awesome
posted 2 days ago

posted by Frank Dillane
Yes I am a hunk arent i? :) ----yes you freaking are!!!
posted 3 days ago

posted by madisen
charming :)
posted 4 days ago

posted by Judy White

yes I have just joined this site. And I shall give my opinion!


Grrrrr Frank Dillane is 20 years OLD! THAT IS SO UNFAIR WHY? WHY? WHY? I mean freaking Robert Pattinson is too old and I mean Frank is only three years younger! Double merde!
Uh!!! Well maybe he will be in other films (i mean he's in Harry Potter and already a heart-throb and blah so other people will want them in their films... so there will be premiers and I will go to them and scream my head off untill he signs me and OMG I need him!
There are only like three pictures of him.
Oh well I went to see year one to day and it was disgusting and hilarious and wow the dirtiest film ever ever ever! It was only a 12A, but I swear to God that it should have been at least a 15!
I went with Hannah, one of my BF's from my old school and the cinema was empty except for these two 13 year old girls.
YAYAY I just found the tom riddle scene in Harry Potter and the half blood prince. O....M....G he's freaking voice is so sexy. I mean I could just listen to it all day *sighs* oh swoon...

Saturday 18 July 2009

like i promised....

soory but i just wanted to show how much emma whatson has changed!

it's really wierd! Anyhoo here's some moreness

I think that these people would make good vamps in twatlight

Juno would make a good vampire

OMG how did this get hear!?

OMG Helena Boham Carter would make an amazing vampire!

Random alert
vier rabdom !!


i don't know who this guy is either but he's hot too!

Omg look how the potter stars have changed!!!!

i don't even know who this guy is but i think he's hot!

Frank dillane as tom riddle! yummm!

sorry but i think that this picture is really sexy!

sorry random st tinians (click on the
pic so you can read it. I think there should be a slut one.)

that's hero in the film as tom riddle! awwwww!
awww it's the young tom riddle

Frank Dillane (I think)