Wednesday 20 May 2009

The poster for New Moon is out. It features Edward, Jacob, and Bella. It’s just a teaser poster and it is nice but I thought some of the fan made posters were better. I do think it is better than Twilight’s one sheet though.
For those who were asking in the comments this is the official New Moon One Sheet poster released by Summit.
(Yea that was the twilight guide speaking)

GODSAKE! WTF?????? Seriously what the hell?????

He looks like a freaking retarded monster! I was glad when I found out that new moon was having a new director... But this, this piece of nausiating shit makes me think twice. At least Cathrine Hardwicke made OK photoshoots and at least Edward looked like a sexyish vampire, and at least he had longish niceish hair!!!!

Jacob and Bella look OKish.... But I guess it is slightly exciting, to have a teaser poster already... kinda.

Anyway here are some others I found... Some are fan-made but oh vell!

CRAP I will post them tommorow I have to go eat! FUCK IT MOTHER!

found some really good ones too! UGH!

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