Thursday 21 May 2009


Fuck it Josie give me my bloody book back!
Yeah I really hope that this is photoshot!
Oh and Alhammd I am really sorry for telling you the new moon picture has got Taylor Launter naked... it's just that you're quite gullable and I could resist...
Also Jassie I am sorry for telling you that in Breaking Dawn Carlsile rapes Bella and then Bella falls in love with him, Edward finds out kills Carlisle, so Bella has a baby with Jasper, Alice kills herself and Edward makes a move on Rosalie-Rosalie excepts and they break houses happily ever after. Emmett and Esme feel left out and so they join Edward Jasper and Bella. They become a foursome bella gets changed into a werewolf by Jacob and leah relises she's a lesbian she falls in love with Bella's child, Cathrine who is in love with Mike Newton... Yeah sorry anyway I think that Breaking Dawn should have ended like that so I lied didn't tell the truth...

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