Friday 8 May 2009

back again

Okay i am finally back and yay! And you will have noticed I have changed my blog to Edward Cullen one...but i don't know maybe I should opt for something more sexy??? Yup I just did it! Not very sexy though... Oh well!

Anyway the year 11's left today and it is their prom tonight! HA! Yes they may have their prom, but yes they have to study hard core for about a month and yes, they are going to be doing their GCSE's!

Then again I guess I will be doing my GCSE'S quite soon-UGH-scary! Like this sexy guy! Actually he is very scary and me and my friends are contemplating going to the terrifying London Tombs! It looks pee-your-pants-scary!

Also I learnt how to say 'Oh Joy' in Shakespearean (we're doing much ado about nothing in English and Claudio is HAWT!)

Yeah I know it's not a great picture but he is sexy!!!!

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