Sunday 10 May 2009

Little Ashes

OMFG! I was gonna complain about the fact that my Mother would not let me watch little ashes at the cinema, due to the fact it is an 18, but...
3 days ago.
Mum: Do you really think I am going to let you and Josie watch homosexual porn at the cinema with a load of dirty old men.
And twilight fan girls...
Mum: Well do you?!
Me: Well, I was hoping you would...
Dad: Oh Capella don't be ridiculous!
I am not!
Me: Sorry... I mean I could just pretend it's me... then it would not be homosexual, and...
Me: I could er... close my eyes!
look it's not lying.... Just not telling the truth-for their benefit...
*Mum and Dad give me a 'you are not going to win this one' look*
little do they know! HAHAHAHAHAHA! *evil laughing!*
Me: *in a defeated tone* Oh, er... alright. *sighs* I won't watch it.
Well at least not when you're watching!

Yah I just watched it! (Well the sex scene... but I muted it because Mum Dad and little bro are in the garden. I plan on watching the whole thing when they are not in for at least 5 hours)
And omigoddygodgod!
It is strangely satisfactory. Yum! Actually I quite like it.... Yes I had a very nice yummy feeling in my stomach... weird, but pleasureful....

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