Saturday 14 March 2009


i wasn't bargaining for this either!

We'll say this for Robert Pattinson: He has a strange sense of humor!
The Twilight star is on the cover of the April issue of GQ magazine (beg your mom to buy it for you!). And in the interview, he jokes at the end that there's something he wants to get off his chest: "Okay," he says. Deep breath. "I [hooked up with] Joe Jonas. I love him."
OMG!!! Okay, we know he's kidding. But still. Paints quite a picture!
Maybe he's trying to bury the hatchet over the alleged reports that he was trying to "steal" Joe's girlfriend Camilla Belle from under his nose. To that, he told the mag, "I'm friends with Camilla... she's a saint. And it's funny that she's being portrayed as this home wrecker. She's literally the most unlikely person to be a home wrecker. It's just ridiculous."
OK, we believe you, R-Patz! But we wanna hear more about what's up with you!!! Here are some highlights from the interview:
He didn't want Bella to kiss Edward at the end of Twilight: "I thought that would be interesting for a teen thing."
He loves Twilight fan fiction: "It's surprisingly hard-core. And very well written."
None of the rumors about him are true: "There’s literally not a single [true] story that could be written about me. I never do anything."
No, he didn't propose to Kristen Stewart: "I said that in some interview, as a joke — 'Oh, I proposed to her multiple times.' And then it gets printed: 'On the set, he proposed multiple times." (Kristen joked to GQ: "He probably proposes to several girls a day. It's sort of his thing. He thinks it's cute.")
He doesn't want a girlfriend: "I don’t see people. I don't even have people's phone numbers. I almost don't want to have a girlfriend, in this environment."
Are you sure we can't change your mind, Robert? Pretty please, with blood-flavored sprinkles on top???
(Photo by Nathaniel Goldberg from GQ magazine)
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