Saturday 14 March 2009


O-M-I-G-O-D *exaggerate the word*

look at this!

i just found this again. this is for my darling friend Areen, who is totally splendiferious! Do you remember in IT when we researched 'spunk ransom' and this came up? ha ha ha and Mr.Fisher says 'ladies i would appreciate it greatly if you behaved, which means stop researching naked drunk men on the Internet!'
ha areen and i have good times, yesterday in science the teacher accused us of behaving like monkeys just because i was stroking areens ear and telling Jaymini how soft it was! But i seriously thought he was gonna say we looked like lesbians-phew! (however strange this may sound we're not OK)

also i need to persaude Imi to make a blog!!!
anyway have a nice day! :-) :-) :-)

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