Saturday 14 March 2009

see i knew he was fat!

Zimbio: The book describes Edward as impossibly beautiful, so when you got the part, did you say to yourself, "Man, I am really beautiful!"
Robert Pattinson: I got given the book about five months before the casting and I read the first 50 pages up until he gets introduced and then I was like, "Oh, no." Because I was really fat last year as well. So I just felt the whole thing was embarrassing, even turning up to the audition. I had not read the whole book before the audition but even in the synopsis, the four line synopsis, the first line is like: "Edward is the perfect being. He is so witty and beautiful and so crazy and funny and will open doors for you and stuff. He will drive you in his Volvo." I thought just even turning up to it was embarrassing.

Oh God I am sorry i am being totally mean about him now and he's the guy i love which really doesn't make sense! Sorry Rob! :-(

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