Saturday 14 March 2009


omigod omigod omigod

you know i was talking about rumors, well i wasn't expecting this:

New rumors of R.Patz Sparklepants suffering from an addiction to alcohol have started to brew. But rest easy kids. I am calling BS on the subject. The “Twilight” sequel, “New Moon,” has started with trouble before filming has even begun. The director for the first film was replaced and cast changes have actors fighting for their role. Taylor Lautner is currently up for the chop. His character’s body undergoes a transformation from a 16 year old boy to a man of 27. Michael Copon is currently after the role of Jacob Black. Now, rumors claim that Robert Pattinson is headed for rehab thanks to too much partying. He spends most of his free time drinking with friends. Most recently he has spent time at La Conversation, Chateau Marmont and Teddy’s. Rob’s drink of choice is an ice cold Heineken. All of his nights spent drinking are reportedly adding up and are said to be causing issues for “New Moon.”Life and Style Reports:“But after a long night at Teddy’s in Hollywood recently, he was especially disheveled for a business meeting about his latest film project, Parts Per Billion. “At least one person at the meeting noted that Rob looked a little worse for wear,” reveals an insider close to the actor’s camp.”Other issues for the vampire saga include Pattinson’s costar, Kristen Stewart, smoking pot. Stewart was photographed lighting up a bowl on her front porch. [Click Here for Kristen Stewart Smoking Pot Photos]He is a 22 year old with gobs of cash. Do you honestly think he is going to sit at home and knit? He is no where near the doors of rehab and who hasn’t gone to work after a rough night of drinking games and Twister with your entourage? Besides drinking some beer at a bar is way better than snorting blow off of Lindsay Lohan’s belly button.
God is he really going to rehab??? i can't believe this-literally!!!!

Twilight star Robert Pattinson was celebrating the success of the movie with some drinks and smokes at Hollywood’s Chateau Marmont late Monday night. When Robert came out he looked completely wasted but the good news is that he didn’t get behind the wheel and didn’t do anything stupid.

ha this one is funny he needs support!!

krsiten's pot pics

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