Sunday 22 March 2009

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day!!!
I know this is pretty random, because you are not my mother (seriously areen-you. are. not. my. mother!)
but i just saw something crazy!
i was buying my mum some flowers, and there was like a shelf showing suggestions of what your mother might like for mothers day, and yes you guessed it-there was twilight!!! Ha! it said that 'mums' will love the romance!'
Yeah well mine has already read it-well ages ago really and i am pretty scared that she may be team jacob!! NOOOOOOO! this. cannot. be. happening. i. am. strictly team edward! (whatever josie thinks!)
she likes the normalness of him in new moon-well before he turns into a f-ing werewolves!! Jeeez!!!
Anyway i am going to be lent a book called 'uglies' tomorrow, with a barbie on the front, it kinda looks good, but very disturbing because it is written by a man-and it is a very girlie subject-by the looks of it anyway!
and yes my stupid dad is really annoying me by playing 'pretty woman' full volume on his flipping guitar that he probably loves more than me! (Honestly!)
yes and i am also annoyed that they have taken all music videos off you tube and so i now have to use deezer! Ugh i iz veir veir annoyed today!!!
Being dragged around stupid richmond park!!!!!!!!!
help! help!
areen make a freaking blog please please i hope that Dudu got the midnight sun particle draft!!
Ugh why can't stephenie meyer write midnight sun???? she says perhaps if she can go for two years without hearing the word 'midnight sun' she may write it!!!
also i forgot to say that on 14th march (yes it's already) was my twilight anniversary!!!
yes, well i need to wash and goodbye!!

2 nice people commented:

10 15 19 9 5 - 2 5 19 20. said...

i AM commenting on your blog in case you havent noticed and haha you like MR DAVIDSON

he is sooooooooooo wierd and i dont even have him
and YOU are SUCH a HYPOCRIPTE to your mum
strictly team edward pff(as you would use)

10 15 19 9 5 - 2 5 19 20. said...

also you say 'shit happens' too much
break the habit or 'break the mould'(i love tha advert!)
i love this song!
and yes you ust listen to it