Saturday 28 March 2009

this sounds kinda bad....

GOSH, OK I wish i was american now. Being English sucks.

ps the pic is veir funny!

1. stephenie meyer is american

2. spunk ransom lives in LA (apparently... though he is english!)

3. the twilight dvd came out first

4. edward cullen and all the cullens except carlisle are american!

5. you don't have to wear uniform to school-uniform sucks!

6. all twilight merchandise comes out first in america!

7. they speak with really groovy accents! OMG!

8. lots of celebrities are american! i mean who do we have... Amy Winehouse!!

9. it's junk food a go go-I LOVE JUNK!

10. i wouldn't be wasting time making this list if i was american!


sooooooo unfair... but i am quite happy now because i have found the most awesome blog in the whole entire world seriously tis AMAZING!


it is crazily good and funny!!


oh well over and out!


Crap i just relised on my last post in less you have been following my blog then it would sound like i was saying i was say ing that i don't fancy Rob.... which is not the case! (He is my life!)

Jeez that sounds corny.... but what i was saying (sorry i was a little intoxicated!) i don't fancy my science teacher Mr. Davidson.... awww crap this is going all wrong! well here is a nice picture that jazz sent me... blah blah blah blah blah... oh yeah! i just remembered who my new favourite band are!! i discovered them today they're... the bestie boys and here is my favourite song by them it reminds me of my brother a couple of years ago!

anyhow the video is so funny! they're from the 80's, only 16 and uber cool!!!


sorry a bit of my wildness showing again!! psht! they took away all your best porno mags!!!

Thursday 26 March 2009

robert davidson

Jesus! (Or Edward!) Rob seriously looks like my science teacher Mr. Davidson with brown hair (Sir has auburn hair)

Gosh i just realised i sound like i fancy him or something-which i do not! Really i don't... *hic*

WTF why do i keep hiccuping... must be the rosa... crap why did i post that??? don't tell my mum!

Sunday 22 March 2009

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day!!!
I know this is pretty random, because you are not my mother (seriously areen-you. are. not. my. mother!)
but i just saw something crazy!
i was buying my mum some flowers, and there was like a shelf showing suggestions of what your mother might like for mothers day, and yes you guessed it-there was twilight!!! Ha! it said that 'mums' will love the romance!'
Yeah well mine has already read it-well ages ago really and i am pretty scared that she may be team jacob!! NOOOOOOO! this. cannot. be. happening. i. am. strictly team edward! (whatever josie thinks!)
she likes the normalness of him in new moon-well before he turns into a f-ing werewolves!! Jeeez!!!
Anyway i am going to be lent a book called 'uglies' tomorrow, with a barbie on the front, it kinda looks good, but very disturbing because it is written by a man-and it is a very girlie subject-by the looks of it anyway!
and yes my stupid dad is really annoying me by playing 'pretty woman' full volume on his flipping guitar that he probably loves more than me! (Honestly!)
yes and i am also annoyed that they have taken all music videos off you tube and so i now have to use deezer! Ugh i iz veir veir annoyed today!!!
Being dragged around stupid richmond park!!!!!!!!!
help! help!
areen make a freaking blog please please i hope that Dudu got the midnight sun particle draft!!
Ugh why can't stephenie meyer write midnight sun???? she says perhaps if she can go for two years without hearing the word 'midnight sun' she may write it!!!
also i forgot to say that on 14th march (yes it's already) was my twilight anniversary!!!
yes, well i need to wash and goodbye!!

Saturday 21 March 2009

Gerard Way as the sex god?????

Well jazz told moi that gerard way (my chemical romance lead singer) auditioned for edward cullen *OMIGOD is he serious*

look at him...

then what happened he looks even worst

yay he is lookin' sexy now

ahhhhh now he looks better he actually looks kinda hot here. But not up to edward standared (or rpattz's!)

awwwwwww a'int he sweet. Give us a smile matey :-)

...but he does look kinda weird/sweet/non-emo here... (He actually looks like a boy Sam I know/knew... Whatver.)


and well i couldn't really resist this one...

but hey hey look what i found not so differnt ater all....

not so different after all!

bloggie only for areen

this post is for Areen so if you're anyone else don't bother reading it.
Areen, make. A. Blog. Now. pleeeeeeeaaaaase t'is soooo FUN!!!!

Thankyou (if you at all value my sanity you'll do it now. In fact if you value your life and the blood pumping around your body then you will *GOSH I sound like a bully-i iz zorry. But please do it NOW!*)

get creating, with your creativeness
whooooooo go creativenessssssssss
go team areen
go twilight.
awww i am done now!!!
LOL! :-)

Friday 20 March 2009




Yah the filming of new moon is starting today (20th Feb)

YA Ya Robert Pattinson is has no right to be as sexy as he is-but oh well!

like they say shit happens...

...but new moon is gonna be here soon (i bet this is for nothing and t'will be RUBBISH! *i hope not*) anyway...


(only joking josie you know i love you-well somwtimes-well never! well ALWAYS)

also i cannot wait for sugar to come out because, t'is a twilight special!!!! yayayay!!!


i am so sad it scares me *hee hee*

...and obsessed that i think i am going to bed now even though it is only 4:57 in the evening...

...but i love my bed....

oh and


i love you

*i hope mr davidson-the supposidly hot science teacher sees this*


yay go me the sad twilight nerd

*or twerd*

(twilight nerd)


i kinda have a thing for nerds

i don't even know who this guy is he is just well kinda hot and non-twilight related!

(i have a thing for older guys...rob...hmmm yes well good example)


i dare say this is the hottest picture(s) of the week-suprisingly t'is not Rob

Yay i'll see you later


Have a nice day/night

Au Revior

and out

Saturday 14 March 2009


so i was supposed to be getting off the lap top, because apparent if you go on it for more than 2 hours you can have a fit-well i went on it for 10 hours when i read midnight sun and i am clearly not ill! anyway i have researched rob and rehab

from wiki answers

Is Robert Pattinson going to rehab ?
i heard that Robert Pattinson from twilight is being sent to rehab for excessive alcohol abuse does anyone know if that's true or not ?

no i don't think he is

to tell you the truth i don't know 100% if he is going. i hope he is not, he better get it together so he can finish the twilight series. ido noe he has a drinking problem though. he might be going though i read it somewhere on line.
hope this helpedgiggl3z=]vampires are real

Woahh! No way honey. He's fine, I love him so much. He won't and can't go to rehab.

omg never heard of that!!!! =( idk but he is hot!!! :D and it would be really sad if it is actually true

wow look at the kid trying to spread a rumor

there is this other really long article that i will analyse later cos i am really tired and going back to bed also i am really happy because robs hair is back and yeah well *yawn* here is a nice picture of him to celebrate...

also also i don't think they're making Breaking Dawn but i will put up more about this later! Night!

see i knew he was fat!

Zimbio: The book describes Edward as impossibly beautiful, so when you got the part, did you say to yourself, "Man, I am really beautiful!"
Robert Pattinson: I got given the book about five months before the casting and I read the first 50 pages up until he gets introduced and then I was like, "Oh, no." Because I was really fat last year as well. So I just felt the whole thing was embarrassing, even turning up to the audition. I had not read the whole book before the audition but even in the synopsis, the four line synopsis, the first line is like: "Edward is the perfect being. He is so witty and beautiful and so crazy and funny and will open doors for you and stuff. He will drive you in his Volvo." I thought just even turning up to it was embarrassing.

Oh God I am sorry i am being totally mean about him now and he's the guy i love which really doesn't make sense! Sorry Rob! :-(


O-M-I-G-O-D *exaggerate the word*

look at this!

i just found this again. this is for my darling friend Areen, who is totally splendiferious! Do you remember in IT when we researched 'spunk ransom' and this came up? ha ha ha and Mr.Fisher says 'ladies i would appreciate it greatly if you behaved, which means stop researching naked drunk men on the Internet!'
ha areen and i have good times, yesterday in science the teacher accused us of behaving like monkeys just because i was stroking areens ear and telling Jaymini how soft it was! But i seriously thought he was gonna say we looked like lesbians-phew! (however strange this may sound we're not OK)

also i need to persaude Imi to make a blog!!!
anyway have a nice day! :-) :-) :-)

...and here are my ultimate two favourites!!!

oh god these are sooooo funny! he is crazily drunk, with his little shot glass of something and who the hell is that other guy? Oh well it doesn't matter they are really wasted!

Okay these pictures were supoosed to be with my vision of Rpattz getting fat as proof of my theory.
he's drunk and smoking here.

he doesn't look exactly sober here...

...always drunk always so sexy...
reflecting on how drunk he got!

smokey man!

so there!


i wasn't bargaining for this either!

We'll say this for Robert Pattinson: He has a strange sense of humor!
The Twilight star is on the cover of the April issue of GQ magazine (beg your mom to buy it for you!). And in the interview, he jokes at the end that there's something he wants to get off his chest: "Okay," he says. Deep breath. "I [hooked up with] Joe Jonas. I love him."
OMG!!! Okay, we know he's kidding. But still. Paints quite a picture!
Maybe he's trying to bury the hatchet over the alleged reports that he was trying to "steal" Joe's girlfriend Camilla Belle from under his nose. To that, he told the mag, "I'm friends with Camilla... she's a saint. And it's funny that she's being portrayed as this home wrecker. She's literally the most unlikely person to be a home wrecker. It's just ridiculous."
OK, we believe you, R-Patz! But we wanna hear more about what's up with you!!! Here are some highlights from the interview:
He didn't want Bella to kiss Edward at the end of Twilight: "I thought that would be interesting for a teen thing."
He loves Twilight fan fiction: "It's surprisingly hard-core. And very well written."
None of the rumors about him are true: "There’s literally not a single [true] story that could be written about me. I never do anything."
No, he didn't propose to Kristen Stewart: "I said that in some interview, as a joke — 'Oh, I proposed to her multiple times.' And then it gets printed: 'On the set, he proposed multiple times." (Kristen joked to GQ: "He probably proposes to several girls a day. It's sort of his thing. He thinks it's cute.")
He doesn't want a girlfriend: "I don’t see people. I don't even have people's phone numbers. I almost don't want to have a girlfriend, in this environment."
Are you sure we can't change your mind, Robert? Pretty please, with blood-flavored sprinkles on top???
(Photo by Nathaniel Goldberg from GQ magazine)
Fan the Twilight Facebook Page!
And check out!



omigod omigod omigod

you know i was talking about rumors, well i wasn't expecting this:

New rumors of R.Patz Sparklepants suffering from an addiction to alcohol have started to brew. But rest easy kids. I am calling BS on the subject. The “Twilight” sequel, “New Moon,” has started with trouble before filming has even begun. The director for the first film was replaced and cast changes have actors fighting for their role. Taylor Lautner is currently up for the chop. His character’s body undergoes a transformation from a 16 year old boy to a man of 27. Michael Copon is currently after the role of Jacob Black. Now, rumors claim that Robert Pattinson is headed for rehab thanks to too much partying. He spends most of his free time drinking with friends. Most recently he has spent time at La Conversation, Chateau Marmont and Teddy’s. Rob’s drink of choice is an ice cold Heineken. All of his nights spent drinking are reportedly adding up and are said to be causing issues for “New Moon.”Life and Style Reports:“But after a long night at Teddy’s in Hollywood recently, he was especially disheveled for a business meeting about his latest film project, Parts Per Billion. “At least one person at the meeting noted that Rob looked a little worse for wear,” reveals an insider close to the actor’s camp.”Other issues for the vampire saga include Pattinson’s costar, Kristen Stewart, smoking pot. Stewart was photographed lighting up a bowl on her front porch. [Click Here for Kristen Stewart Smoking Pot Photos]He is a 22 year old with gobs of cash. Do you honestly think he is going to sit at home and knit? He is no where near the doors of rehab and who hasn’t gone to work after a rough night of drinking games and Twister with your entourage? Besides drinking some beer at a bar is way better than snorting blow off of Lindsay Lohan’s belly button.
God is he really going to rehab??? i can't believe this-literally!!!!

Twilight star Robert Pattinson was celebrating the success of the movie with some drinks and smokes at Hollywood’s Chateau Marmont late Monday night. When Robert came out he looked completely wasted but the good news is that he didn’t get behind the wheel and didn’t do anything stupid.

ha this one is funny he needs support!!

krsiten's pot pics


OMG i just had a horrid thought/vision! if rpattz keeps loving/eating junk food, chain smoking and drinking six pacs then he is gonna get...well...FAT! Ugh Ugh Ugh I feel really really sick now!!!
Well, on second thoughts, i guess it would be more Rob to love. would it not?


Gosh i am sooo sorry i haven't posted anything or light years but i have been really busy with homework and all! seriously, in England (i am lying i do really live on isle esme with Edward and rpaatz!) they have a phobia of giving us too little homework!!!

anyway i have just finished an amazing book it's just like twilight except funnier and more teenagey it brilliant and there are loads more but I've only read marked. it's by P.C and Kristen Cast. Kristen is P.C (god that makes her sound like a computer!) daughter-which i thinks nice in a strange kind of way! :-)

this is her website and i strongly recommend it to you!

Sunday 1 March 2009

Also i have heard soooo many things. Firstly Brenda Song and Vanessa ann Hugens are battling it out for Leah! EW-they can't be serious!!! Tell me there not serious!she is so cheesy it's unreal and she'll probably start singing 'bite bella' at the end in her cheesy girlie HSM way, with Rob (probably 'fall in love' with her) singing all souly and bluesy and i will puke and run screaming from the cinema, needing serious therapy!

and seriously? Leah? What planet are they from?
i heard Maddonna was gonna be in it too, and do the sound track! Are they MAD! But i just researched it and now they are saying that she's not but she may do the sound track-phew!!!
AND Bronson Pelletier is gonna be a werewolf!!
Dakota Fanning as Jane-I think she'll be OK
Alan Rickman (snape) as marcus! ha!
Johnny Depp as Aro-Please it will be FAB with him as Aro!!!

And finally Hilary Duff-ugh i just read an article saying that she was desperate for a new moon role! EW i really don't like her though i got obsessed with her song reach out-God that is really contradicting myself but oh well i don't care!! Anyway i read another article about 6 months back saying she fancied Rob!!!maybe thats why she wants to be in it! But personally, i don't think she can act! Sorry Hilary Duff lovers!
Anyway here are my rumours i'll put more up if i find anymore!!!
iHasta la vista!

i am really BAD!

Oh God I am such a bad person and I think Jazz is going to hire a hit man 'cos I haven't written for soooo long!!! Sorry anyway! But i have found some really nice pictures of Rob and Kristen...