Wednesday 1 April 2009

it's a SIGN!

me: hi rob
rob: er..hi?
me: i heard you got hurt
rob: yeah well,uh...
me: gosh thats a big lump on your head *snickers* ahem...i mean omigod i am so sorry! wow it must really really hurt!!
rob: yeah well...bye
me: no wait! *clutches desperately on his jacket*
rob: excuse me?
me: well since it looks terribly painful *batters eyelashes* i was just wondering whether you'd like me to kiss it better? *mentally thinking snog it better*
rob: er sure...
*capella lunges at him knocking rob backwards, causing him to hit his head again. rob gts knocked out*
me: mwahahahaha! now he's mine. MINE!!!!!*steals rob and rapes him!*

-the end-

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