Monday 6 April 2009

the depressing truth....

I should be like 'YAY!'... But I am not. As you probably don't know twilight was due out today (in England) I went shopping and got two really cute dresses but I have to take one back, because even though it is lovely according to Mum I look like a tart. Great-thanks Mum! Anyhow, I went pasted HMV and there was twilight-galore posters, soundtrack, books, companion.... and the DVD and blue ray. I was screaming-literally and hugging the poster of Rob *security guy eyes me evilly*
Is she a thief... or mentally disturbed?
yah... as i thought.... mentally disturbed.
The thingy (for Josie's benefit) even had a picture of Edward on it. So you may be asking yourselves why did the incompetent fool not buy it. Well I did not buy it, because I ordered it off of .com . And cut a long story short (without the hysteria, screaming, cursing and madness) mine has not come. Neither has Josie's and so how the fuck are we supposed to watch it together without the DVD???
I. Need. It. NOW!!!!
Dear God,
please, please, please, please say it comes tomorrow... before 5:00-PLEASE!!!


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