Saturday 18 April 2009




Monday 13 April 2009

yea! hola!
i am home...thankgoddness!
i had one of the worst times of my life!
yes you guessed it. a family holiday...Ugh *dies*
i will blog later coz i can't be bothered now but here is imi's amazing blog that she [finally] made!

yah i am incredibly jealous of her and her *stuggles to stay calm* beautiful twilight stuff!

i am reading a great book called varjak paw... yes it is my eight year old brothers but i don't care :)

the biggest twerd (twilight nerd) of all bella!

Monday 6 April 2009

i am aliveeeeeeeee!

God actually listened because....twilight has comeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ah ha ha ah ah ahhh ah haaaaaaaaaaa ha ha ha ah aha!
*hysterically shrieks, wobbles and dies*
RIP capella a girl who tragically died due to twilight and edward cullen.....
i was sooooooo scared!!!!!!! ahhhhhhh i am so happy i can't controll myself *goes to scream in wardrobe*


yay i am good and *faints*

the depressing truth....

I should be like 'YAY!'... But I am not. As you probably don't know twilight was due out today (in England) I went shopping and got two really cute dresses but I have to take one back, because even though it is lovely according to Mum I look like a tart. Great-thanks Mum! Anyhow, I went pasted HMV and there was twilight-galore posters, soundtrack, books, companion.... and the DVD and blue ray. I was screaming-literally and hugging the poster of Rob *security guy eyes me evilly*
Is she a thief... or mentally disturbed?
yah... as i thought.... mentally disturbed.
The thingy (for Josie's benefit) even had a picture of Edward on it. So you may be asking yourselves why did the incompetent fool not buy it. Well I did not buy it, because I ordered it off of .com . And cut a long story short (without the hysteria, screaming, cursing and madness) mine has not come. Neither has Josie's and so how the fuck are we supposed to watch it together without the DVD???
I. Need. It. NOW!!!!
Dear God,
please, please, please, please say it comes tomorrow... before 5:00-PLEASE!!!


Thursday 2 April 2009

did you know???

Did you know that 1 in 10 teenage girls watch porn on the internet so now Rebekah's mum is checking everything she does!!
Jazz do not even comment on this we all know what you look at....
i love the lyrics to shake it by metro station...
(Let's Drop!)
(Come On)
(Shake, shake)

I'll take you home if you don't leave me at the front door (leave me at the front door)
Your body's cold, but girl we're getting so warm
And I was thinking of ways that I could get inside (get inside)
Tonight you're falling in love (let me go now)
This feeling's stirring me up (here we go now)

[Pre Chorus:]
Now if she does it like this, will you do it like that
Now if she touches like this, will you touch her right back
Now if she moves like this, will you move it like that (come on)

Shake, Shake, Shake, Shake, uh shake it
Shake, Shake, Shake, Shake, uh shake it
Shake, Shake, Shake, Shake, uh shake it
Shake, Shake, Shake, Shake, uh shake it
Shake, Shake, Shake, Shake, uh shake it

Your lips tremble but your eyes are in a straight stare (eyes are in a straight stare)
You're on the bed but your clothes are laying right there
And I was thinking of places that I could hide (i could hide)
Tonight you're falling in love (let me go now)
This feeling's stirring me (here we go now)

Well I saw you dancing and I couldn't get you off my mind(I could tell that you could tell that I was taking my time)
I was thinking of ways that you would stay and be mine(Your body's shaking, turn me on, so I can turn off the lights)
[Chorus] (2x)

*snorts* ...oh no! i just thought is this looking at porn... Your lips tremble but your eyes are in a straight stare, You're on the bed but your clothes are laying right there, And I was thinking of places that I could hide.
Does reading porn exist???

Wednesday 1 April 2009

it's a SIGN!

me: hi rob
rob: er..hi?
me: i heard you got hurt
rob: yeah well,uh...
me: gosh thats a big lump on your head *snickers* ahem...i mean omigod i am so sorry! wow it must really really hurt!!
rob: yeah well...bye
me: no wait! *clutches desperately on his jacket*
rob: excuse me?
me: well since it looks terribly painful *batters eyelashes* i was just wondering whether you'd like me to kiss it better? *mentally thinking snog it better*
rob: er sure...
*capella lunges at him knocking rob backwards, causing him to hit his head again. rob gts knocked out*
me: mwahahahaha! now he's mine. MINE!!!!!*steals rob and rapes him!*

-the end-

let me SIGN!

psht! this is really FUNNY!!!

Walker adds, "During filming of his upcoming flick, “The Twilight Saga: New Moon” in Vancouver, Pattinson had just started shooting a scene when a rogue gust of violent wind tore a heavy metal sign from a post. It shot across the location so fast no one even managed to shout a warning at Pattinson, who was just opening his mouth to emote when...WHAM!...the unguided missile smashed into the back of his head."
Walker writes that Rob dropped and "then lay deadly still as cast and crew ran to help, sending out a radio call for an ambulance. Finally, Pattinson - looking like he’d had the blood sucked from him - began moving feebly, disoriented, but able to speak. The crew put ice packs on a knot sized lump, and by the time medics arrived, the star was coherent and insisting he was fine. Taking no chances, the director canceled filming. Pattinson was ordered back to his hotel, but returned the next day - sporting a lump."

well fuck to you *ahem* i mean ohmigod i am so sorry *batters eyelashes* would you like me to kiss *mentally thinking snog* it better?