Sunday 22 February 2009

Hello Everyone!

Well this is my blog and it is going to be about twilight. The best thing ever and well, i am Capella, but most people call me Bella and hello!

So okay, I admit that this is my 2nd attempt at making a blog. My first one wasn't exactly brilliant and i really only had it for one day before i made this new one! And it only had one post!

Anyhow i spent ages with the profile thing and so i have copied it-check it out!

Also my twilightishous twitastic friend Jazz, after a phone call of persuasion has made a blog too! YAY!

Lastly to finish it off here is a veir veir funny pic of Spunk Ransome!!!

Ha it looks looks like he has just eaten a lemon!!!! *Snorting and laughing*
Yay i think that post went quite well!

1 nice people commented:

10 15 19 9 5 - 2 5 19 20. said...

ha i love that picture
its hilairious
thanks for finally putting me on
by why am i twitastic?